Sunday Selfie #1 01.01.2017

Happy New Year and welcome to my new diary and blog. This is where I will be conducting weekly weigh ins and posting photos to chronicle what i hope to be a very trans-formative year for my long term health.

The short version of my story is that I am currently 53 years old and am in relatively good health. However, I have battled obesity most of my adult life and know that the excess pounds are sure to catch up with me if left unchecked. I plan to make Sunday Morning Selfie a way to stay accountable and learn ways to be healthy as the year progresses.

Since today is New years Day and my first time blogging I will keep this short and give yo the bottom line. At my peak I was over 300 lbs,  a really GREAT place for me to be is under 200 lbs. And as of this moment 01/01/17 I am at …. drum roll……  256 lbs.

Obviously there is much work to be done and I will be changing my eating habits quite a bit.

But for this week I will offer one simple rule to institute. THE MOUTH CLOSES AT 8:00 pm!  My promise to myself this week is to consume NO CALORIES after 8:00 all week. When prime time TV starts the snacking stops.

Happy New Year and thanks for checking out Sunday Morning Selfie.

Good Health and  Go Hawks! Joe


22 thoughts on “Sunday Selfie #1 01.01.2017

  1. Congrats Joe. It’s hard not to eat while watching tv. I’ve put on about 20 myself being retired and eating out and watching on demand tv.

    What’s this about prime time tv though? That stuff is all reality game show drivel. That would be a weight loss plan for me, watch and throw up! Not healthy.

    Watch original series on demand. I recommend BLACK MIRROR on Netflix.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Black Mirror is seriously good, but I can only watch one or two episodes then take a week or so off. Though season 3 episode 1 was suprisingly up. Saw Andrew with Titus at the Neptune – great show.


  2. Good on ya, Joe! This blog seems like a great way to chronicle what will surely be your success, and by making it public perhaps others will learn from your experience.
    Have a GREAT year!
    Gordon Macdougall


  3. Joe – yay and best of our good wishes to your family and this in particular. I have a choc cookie recipe that is really healthy (I swear – half the calories, twice the protein and fiber, no added sugar or fake sugar – happy to share). Now is definitely the time to do this as it only gets harde as we get older.


      1. recipe sent to comcast email addy. let me know if it doesn’t show up or if it doesn’t make sense. I can demo the recipe if you want.


  4. Joe, your idea of no food after 8pm has inspired me to do the same. Perhaps I can find support to lose the same amount of weight as you by following your progress. And yes, that is really my name too!


  5. If you can do it so can I, I’m hitting my highest about 265 lbs, I’m never going to see under 200 but 225 would be nice. My first step is making sure I walk the dogs every day, not just to go potry but a walk. Replace a snack with fruits or vegetables. Best of luck


  6. Good luck Joe. I’m going to follow your lead and do something similar. A weekly weigh in and selfie is a brilliant idea to stay accountable. I look forward to our success!


  7. Great idea Joe, managing it weekly.

    Everybody has weight loss advice, so I’ll spare you mine. But I do think that making weight loss a goal, and checking your progress on daily or weekly helps you change bad behaviors.

    All the best! I’ll be following your example!



  8. Awesome idea Joe! You have a great support group here also. I’m glad SundayMorningSelfie isn’t a site to punk a hung over buddy, among other cruel possibilities!


  9. Following your example friend 😊
    I’m also marking my weight on FB and writing down every thing that goes in mouth – plus dropping alcohol
    Togetherness here


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